We are inviting emerging companies in our space to apply for Innovation for Impact – Climate Change. This company-in-residence program is offered through our Center for Entrepreneurship and offers emerging companies an opportunity to work with student teams for two semesters (January until December with a break during the summer) on a project defined by the companies.
Students apply to the program and are selected based on skills, interests, and fit to the team. The program is open to all students at the University of Michigan and past teams have included all levels of undergraduates, Masters and PhD students from a broad range of disciplines (Engineering, Business, Environment, Economics, Policy, etc.).
There is no cost to the companies but a company mentor must be available to meet (virtually) with their team weekly for progress reporting, feedback, and guidance.
If you are interested in this program, please reach out to Tasha Beery to receive more details. We will confirm participating companies and their respective projects by August 2022 to allow us time for recruiting students for the teams that will begin their work in January 2023.