
Our Growing Team

University of Michigan Global CO2 Initiative

Today, we are proud to announce the establishment of the Global CO2 Initiative’s Advisory Board, dedicated to supporting our critical mission of developing ways to remove carbon dioxide from the air and turn it into useful products. Our Initiative tapped a broad range of experts and stakeholders that are actively engaged in the global carbon…

Save the date: 7th Conference on Carbon Dioxide as Feedstock for Fuels, Chemistry and Polymers

7th Conference on Carbon Dioxide as Feedstock

Date: March 20–21 2019, Maternushaus, Cologne, Germany Topics: Carbon Capture, Hydrogen, Fuels for cars and aviation, Chemicals and Polymers as well as Mineralization From the Conference site: More and more stakeholders are interested in CCU’s fast-moving, industry-driven innovation area. Several companies showed their interest on getting involved into this field and a lot of pilot,…