
Katharine Hayhoe Featured in Newsletter

“To take action, we need to understand that our actions make a difference because otherwise, why bother? That, for me, is the definition of hope. And it’s a hope based on science.” You are simultaneously both a professor, conducting research and teaching, and also a Chief Scientist at a separate organization. You are a prolific…

Quincy AlberhaskyFeatured in Newsletter

“Climate Cardinals isn’t just about a singular mission, but equipping and empowering others with the knowledge to tackle the unique climate problems all around us.”  Typically, the person featured in our newsletter answers a series of questions provided by the Global CO2 Initiative (GCI). However, the format for this feature on Quincy Alberhasky and Climate Cardinals is a…

Michelle Krynock Featured in Newsletter

“I heard it from a number of people early on in my career and definitely needed the advice to stick with it. When you are working in service of a higher goal, all of the smaller tasks are important, regardless of subject matter.”  Michelle serves as part of the life cycle analysis competency on the Energy…

Stefan Kelnberger and DIN Featured in Newsletter

“Especially against the backdrop of global challenges, such as climate change, it is important to develop and apply solutions together. Standardization documents, i.e. relating to CO2 utilization, can make an important contribution towards addressing climate change.” Stefan assists international researchers with transferring their research results into standardization. A mechanical engineer by training, Stefan holds both his…

Alex Spike and Air Alliance Houston NL Feature: Part II

“Even when there is communication going on, it’s not necessarily back and forth. The overwhelming attitude is, ‘This is what’s coming. This is what we have planned. Deal with it.’ And then the concerns or anxieties of community members – who oftentimes have very legitimate concerns –are often just disregarded.”  Typically, the person featured in…

Alex Spike and Air Alliance Houston NL Feature: Part I

“…not everyone is aware of LCAs or knows how to find them. Not everyone knows how to take them apart and what type of information they can provide. This is a particularly problematic issue for fence line communities who just want to know what’s going on in their part of town. How can fenceline communities…