
#TeamCarbon – Meet Dr. Barbara Olfe-Kräutlein

Dr. Barbara Olfe-Kräutlein Dr. Barbara Olfe-Kräutlein is a Senior Research Associate and heads the research group CO2 Utilization Strategies and Society. The group currently works on different questions and projects related to societal aspects of CO2 utilization technologies.

Q: What does your research currently focus on?

A: Our research group at the IASS focuses on societal implications of CO2 utilization technologies. As an interdisciplinary team, we are able to address a variety of issues and questions, mainly regarding policy aspects, acceptance and economics.

Q: What role do you think carbon technology or CO2-based products play in climate mitigation policies?

A: There is no technology that could serve as a “silver bullet” in fighting climate change. CO2 utilization has the potential to be an important part in a puzzle of different measures and technologies for emission reduction, and to contribute to energy transition processes. This should be reflected in the relevant policies.

Q: What real world application or sector(s) do you see your research or tech having the most impact on?

A: On the development of the policy environment of CO2 utilization technologies and on their role in a societal dialogue.

Q: How do students react to your work or this climate mitigation approach in general?

A: Directly at the IASS, we do not teach and therefore do not have our “own” students. In general, we see a high interest in sustainable technical applications and in the convincing idea of utilizing CO2 as an asset. Also, the Fridays for Future movement shows that young Europeans engage in climate issues.

Q: What advice do you have for technologists or entrepreneurs starting off in this field?

A: Think about the broader effects that your specific development can have and define its societal context, and communicate it accordingly.