
Michelle Krynock Featured in Newsletter

“I heard it from a number of people early on in my career and definitely needed the advice to stick with it. When you are working in service of a higher goal, all of the smaller tasks are important, regardless of subject matter.”  Michelle serves as part of the life cycle analysis competency on the Energy…

Newsletter features Erin Burns

“…(W)e’re at a really exciting point for carbon removal: we’re seeing a ton of attention on this topic, we’re seeing billion dollar level investments,… and we’re seeing a lot more engagement. Carbon removal has really arrived.” -Erin Burns This newsletter issue features Erin Burns, Executive Director of Carbon180. Ms Burns guides the Carbon180 team in thinking about how to equitably scale…

Volker Sick and Colleagues Publish on Infrastructure and Climate Change Solutions

Lucca Henrion, Duo Zhang, Victor Li and GCI Director, Volker Sick, publish a paper on how Built Infrastructure Renewal and Climate Change Mitigation Can Both Find Solutions in CO2. From technology to policy, the US is thinking about construction differently. The federal government is motivated to address the aging infrastructure across the country, and policy…