
Dean Jonathan Overpeck Featured in Newsletter

“Michigan is now a climate action leader, and that’s reason for even more hope. It shows we all – students, staff, faculty, citizens – can make a difference, and we’ll keep making a difference.” ~Dean Jonathan T. Overpeck This newsletter features  Dr. Jonathan T. Overpeck, the Samuel A. Graham Dean of the University of Michigan School for Environment and…

Newsletter Features Paebbl

“It is such a privilege to get to work on arguably the most important problem for our generation with a solution that has a very solid chance of becoming incredibly significant.” This newsletter features Paebbl, an organization co-founded by Pol Knops, Marta Sjögren, Andreas Saari, and Jane Walerud.  Can you briefly describe what Paebbl does? We turn gaseous CO2 into solid stone powder using a process…