
Deepak Pant Featured in Newsletter

“As a keen observer and contributor to the carbon conversion field, I see a lot of pilots and industrial plants going up that will lead to tremendous growth in the next decade.”~Dr. Deepak Pant, Senior Scientist, Sustainable Chemistry at Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) Deepak is currently working on electrosynthesis and resource recovery, specifically the design and…

Amy Harder Featured in Newsletter

“It can feel hard to have hope when the challenges are immense — and they are immense, to be clear! — but looking back at the progress we’ve made and knowing that progress often accelerates (especially with technology adoption) gives me hope.”~Amy Harder, Founding Executive Editor of Cipher Amy is founding executive editor of Cipher News, a publication…

Simone H. Stewart Featured in Newsletter

“Extending existing frameworks that are inherently limiting, to include people they were not originally meant to include is incredibly difficult, but the end goal is what motivates me and seems so rewarding.”~ Dr. Simone H. Stewart, Senior Industrial Policy Specialist in Climate & Energy Policy at the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), Global CO2 Initiative (GCI) Advisory Board Member. Simone, the newest member…

New Interactive Way to Learn about Carbon Capture

GCI exhibit on carbon capture and utilization opens at Matthaei Botanic Garden The Global CO2 Initiative is exited to announce that the opening of their “Products from Pollution: Carbon Capture and Utilization” exhibit at Matthaei Botanic Gardens on Saturday, March 2! It will run until April 14. Through this exhibit, visitors will learn about the…

Not all carbon-capture projects pay off for the climate

We mapped the pros and cons of each and found clear winners and losers New publication by the Global CO2 Initiative’s Director, Volker Sick, details research pointing to the best and worse carbon capture projects. Capturing carbon dioxide from the air or industries and recycling it can sound like a win-win climate solution. The greenhouse gas…

“Products from Pollution”

What does this sticker mean? Welcome to the Global CO2 Initiative! If you’re new to carbon capture and utilization, this site will provide a short introduction to the field. You may already know that all living things on earth are carbon based life forms. But did you know that most of the products we use…