
CO2 in the construction sector: Capture and reuse opportunities for the next 100 years

Researchers outline the adoption of new materials and processes to reduce or capture and reuse CO2 emissions during all stages of infrastructure’s life cycle By Patricia Delacey The built environment—infrastructure for buildings and transportation—currently produces a large portion of global carbon dioxide emissions, but new technologies have the potential to transform the built environment from…

Not all carbon-capture projects pay off for the climate

We mapped the pros and cons of each and found clear winners and losers New publication by the Global CO2 Initiative’s Director, Volker Sick, details research pointing to the best and worse carbon capture projects. Capturing carbon dioxide from the air or industries and recycling it can sound like a win-win climate solution. The greenhouse gas…

Volker Sick named Faculty Director at the U-M Center for Entrepreneurship

VS smiling w laptop

Dr. Volker Sick, has been named Faculty Director at the Center for Entrepreneurship at University of Michigan in addition to his current role as the Director of the Global CO2 Initiative! This story, courtesy of Hailey McCormick, CFE Marketing and Communications Specialist, first appeared as a Staff Spotlight on the CFE Blog. The fun begins with putting together the teams and…

Newsletter features Stephen McCord

“When you find someone that breaks the mold and says ‘It’s not going to be easy, but here are some steps towards a solution,’ it’s invigorating. Really even just a person’s attitude can be very energizing. Surrounding yourself with people that have that type of attitude can be quite inspiring.” This newsletter issue features Dr. Stephen McCord,…

New CCU specific greenwashing study released

“…(T)here are many ways that firms might inadvertently or intentionally greenwash carbon-utilizing products. There are also many different questions that stakeholders can ask to help uncover these strategies and understand if the firms have taken the proper steps to assert their environmental claims. While equipping customers, investors, employees, non-governmental organizations, and business partners with the…